Monday, March 31, 2014

Light your life with LEDs

We all love the lamp at the corner of our drawing room. We love it more when people admire it. We tend to seat guests beside it just to brag about it. But we also hate it the most when we see the electricity bills.

Well, time to switch to the new generation LED. LED are the bright white lights that you tend to come across in television ads and the megastores. Wrapped in cardboard cases they flaunt of the energy they save, illuminating your room.

LED stands for light emitting diode. It is nothing but a semi-conductor diode which glows with the amount of voltage provided. Today, they are everywhere! From parks to offices, to roadside lights, to your home, they are illumining everywhere.

Though flooding the market in recent times, replacing all other kinds of lights and bulbs, they have been there for quite some time now.  One can date the technology back to about 50 years. Efficiency in saving energy as light bulbs brought them to the shelves of the stores that tended us to believe of it as a new kind of bulb that saves energy.

Gleaming are our study tables. Buffed up are our offices. Complaints of eye problems in the world have significantly fallen and so has the rate of dissatisfaction towards lighting sources. Thanks to LED lights and bulbs.

LED Lights and bulbs are also proven means of lighting sources to short distances and small areas; as in they require only 30-60 mill watts to operate.  They have a longer lifespan than CFL. The LED’s come with useful applications. One such example would be the reduction of stray light in street lamps.

Saving power and money is the newest motto in the towns. All we want are LED’s. They are available in various shapes and prices, and are manufactured by a number of companies worldwide. Firms selling Led Products brought out its USP in the brightening and the savings. Almost all the ads stand on the basis of the savings that the product brings with it.

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