Thursday, January 30, 2014

How Can Perth Carpet Master Help You With Their Carpet Restoration Service?

 Does your carpet have bleach stains, wrinkles and tears, pet stains, rips, holes or worn out borders?

The only way you can get your carpet to its original condition is by availing the carpet repair and restoration service. Perth Carpet Master offer carpet repair and restoration service in Perth.

We understand that restoring a carpet is not the same as sewing up a covering of an old sofa or the hem of a skirt. Restoration is a thorough work that needs expertise. Its techniques are same like carpet manufacture methods. This means if a carpet has a hole, the restorer will need to reconstruct the material with its horizontal weft and vertical warp. If the knots of a carpet are torn, the restorer will need to repair the damage creating news knots after selecting the right materials with care. So, we know exactly how to deal with the carpets when people come to us for carpet restoration services.

However, before we start with the carpet restoration process, we make sure to clean and wash it thoroughly. This provides us with two advantages:

  • The colors of the carpet become brighter allowing us to identify the original color of the wool, which we need to use for repairing holes, tears and stains. 
  • The carpet gets cleaned, which is important for restorers or else they had to work 20 cm away from the carpet because it had a number of footfalls for so many years.

If your carpet gets wet due to the recent storms or a broken water pipe , then also you can avail our carpet restoration services. We store and preserve carpets in a drying environment and then use drying equipments for fast and efficient drying. We even sanitize and steam clean carpets. Only after it’s dried and restored, we think our job to be complete.


  1. That is a great article on carpet cleaning, We also offer more information about carpet cleaning and the best carpet cleaning company, feel free to read our blog too

  2. That looks nice and wonderful. Good thing that you shared that kind of thing. It can surely help many people to know certain things that would let them able to apply on their carpet cleaning activity.

    Carpet Cleaning Melbourne
