When you are staying inside a house you have to pay attention on various things. Starting from repairing and cleaning you have to be well aware about the growth of pests and termites inside your property. These silent living creatures can destroy the expensive furniture inside your home so it is essential to control them and restrict their further growth.
Termite eradication is not an easy job and requires professional care to control them. If you are suffering from termite infestation and cannot handle it yourself then, contact a pest management company that offers termite control in Narrabeen.
Some of the helpful tips are stated below:
Termite eradication is not an easy job and requires professional care to control them. If you are suffering from termite infestation and cannot handle it yourself then, contact a pest management company that offers termite control in Narrabeen.
Some of the helpful tips are stated below:
- The first step to eliminate pest is by preventing the contact of wood with the ground. If any wooden furniture or wooden article comes in contact with the ground the pests and insects enter inside the hardwood furniture. They tend to multiply and feed inside the wooden furniture whether it is inside or outside your home. Avoid using wooden furniture outside your house or try to keep 6 inch gap between the furniture and the ground.
- Make sure that the wooden furniture inside your property is well protected from water damage. As moist wooden furniture attracts the termites greatly, it provides them with moisture, food and shelter. Humidity is a major cause so try to keep your home especially the crawl spaces dry and clean.
- If you store newspapers, card boards and firewood try to store them in a distant place from your house. If there is any old or damaged tree inside your property, cut them out as termites grow in these areas.